Once lots have been entered using the Auctionmarts app they will show in NAS in the Booking In App Import screen.
Go to the Auctionmarts menu in NAS and select update from mobile app.
Within the cogs in the top right of the Booking In App Import screen are import settings that set how the data from the mobile app is entered into the lot in NAS. Users of NAS have their own preference for how they enter lot data. The import settings map the app data to the way the user would like it entered into NAS.
The user can set which mobile app fields go into the short description \ remarks in NAS.
There are the same type of choices to make for the full description. Set as you require.
This setup is useful if you want a short title in a catalogue or online that is different to the long description.
You can use the first line of the catalogue description as a title and not worry about short description
You can have everything just in the catalogue description. Use the system to suit your needs and requirements. Every auction firm does it a little differently.
To have the title field in the mobile app import into the short description \ remarks field in NAS select either Import if Not Set; Overwrite or Prompt. See choices below.
Prompt will provide a message like this. Showing the current data in NAS for the lot (if the lot is in NAS as this point) and the data from the app that will replace the NAS data depending on the import settings. The user has a splash screen to show them the initial import settings and a data comparison screen if the import type is set to prompt.
Bug fix in this release. Lines added in the booking app where not importing into NAS with the carriage return, new line. This is now fixed.
If the Booking In App Import screen is open and a user is making changes on the app the data will refresh real-time in this release. It will also show the picture cell in green if all pictures are downloaded successfully or a 1/3 or 1/5, etc to indicate the pictures are still downloading or to be downloaded from the internet before going into NAS. 0/4 indicates the app user has taken pictures but they are not available to the HQ user yet. It�s a warning to check with the app user if they are online and can upload the pictures from their phone.