BOPs style week number filter. 2
This document describes how to use the HQ Tablet report to sync data with the rep tablets and update rep bookings into BOPs.
When the rep clicks save booking on their tablet when they are connected to Wi-Fi the booking will automatically sync back to HQ. This should happen within 30 seconds to a couple of minutes depending on Wi-Fi strength and speed. The HQ admin team are able to view this information and may add a pickup date, haulier and buyer details within the HQ report. When these details are added in the HQ report and saved they automatically sync back to the tablet. This provides the rep with these details so they may tell their client when the stock is being collected, by which haulier it is being collected and which destination it is going to.
The HQ admin team decide when they want to update the information in the tablet report into BOPs. On updating the information into BOPs the rep tablets are updated with the booking number reference used within BOPs. This provides the reps and HQ staff a unique link to the booking and will make communication easier on each deal.
To access the report go to the Add-Ins menu and click Tablet Software.
The user may select the week they wish to view, or tick All to see all tablet bookings.
Each section is shown as a button across the top of the report. The section with the tick next to it is the one displaying information below.
The user may toggle between the two views. Unprocessed means the tablet bookings have not been updated to BOPs yet. Processed means they have.
There is an import tick box in this view. Ticking this allows the user to update the tablet booking into BOPs.
The Move Date is not shown on the tablet but a system date is added as part of the tablet date searching. When the date has a red background, it means the system date is shown here. The HQ staff will change this to the correct pickup date. When they do and save the background goes white.
The HQ staff complete the move date \ pickup date, haulier and abattoir details in the HQ report and click the save changes button. When save is clicked these details sync back to the rep tablet providing the rep with the collection information to inform the seller.
To update or add a haulier double click the haulier cell and select the haulier.
To update or add the abattoir to prime deals double click the cell in the abattoir column.
Search and double click the abattoir required.
The HQ report shows the seller, rep, quantity, item type and breed. It also shows if the rep has entered them.
Confirms which yes buttons the rep clicked on the tablet by showing the field as ticked if the rep clicked yes. In the example above none of the passport have been ticked as checked , but suckler bred has been selected as yes on the tablet.
Shows the booking number allocated when the booking was updated into BOPs. The HQ staff can search for a booking number when reps use it as a reference so everyone is certain they are talking about the same deal.
In unprocessed view the user ticks the bookings they want to import into BOPs. Make sure the pickup date, haulier and buyer information is entered into the report first, so the data is sync�d back to the rep tablet. If you import into BOPs without this data the rep will not see this information. They do not see data changed in BOPs, only data amended in the HQ tablet report.
Tick import, selection the week to update and click save changes.
The bookings that had been ticked are moved into BOPs and moved into the processed filter.
The user can export the data in the report to excel.
Saves a csv file that can be opened in excel.