June 2022

June 2022


A few enhancements to the look and feel of the Auctionmarts app are released in June. In addition to this new Newline has completed several tidy-ups.


With such a lot of new products, features and enhancements released to market in April & May, June has mostly been an opportunity to consolidate the work from those months. There are some new bits as well though noted below.


Streaming messages

Clearer streaming messages for live sales so viewers know if the stream has been published or not at the point, they log in to watch.


Streaming Quality

Newline has WIP for viewer choices on stream quality. From our standard definition to suit poor mobile internet connections to our higher definition suitable for full screen viewing with sharp definition.

iOS15 Live Video Compatibility Bug

There has been a compatibility issue between the release of iOS15 and our real-time video player. The bug has been resolved using a middleware solution.

Auctionmarts Mobile App

Filter Options

We�ve added filter and order by options to help you find the lots you are interested in viewing on your mobile phone.

Search By Seller

Search for a specific seller and just see their lots on your phone.

Search By lot Range

Search for a range of lots between x & y

Order By

Order by Lot Number either lowest to highest or vice versa.


Order as entered either first to last or vice versa.


Text \ SMS

In June Newline went live with a new SMS provider offering a better service with a preferrable payment plan. Instead of buying bundles in advance, you simply use what you want and are billed a month in arrears for what you�ve used. No running out of credit have way through a vital weekend text run. You can text individual accounts straight from NAS or text a run of customers from the stock analysis options in NAS.

Set Opt Out Message

For GDPR compliance customers must have the option to opt out of being sent marketing texts. The mart may have any opt out message they like providing it ends with TXT END to 85525. The prefix to this can be your own words. The opt out message is part of the characters that take up credit.

Number of credits

If the message including the opt out message is less than 160 characters long these costs one credit (as at July 2022), if the message exceeds 160 and becomes 2 credits the texting world makes the first 153 characters = one credit. Thereafter a further credit is charges for every 153 characters. I can�t explain why texting providers work & charge this way, but I am informed they do.

SMS Report

The new report shows how many customers have been sent texts and how many credits have been used. It also has a failed status which is very useful. Any text successfully sent but not delivered and more over failed means the number is no longer contactable. This could be an error in the number or a discontinued number. You are charged for failed texts, and always will have been but knowing which have failed enables you to correct the numbers going forward and save money and make contact with the correct people.

Expanding out the message cell shows the message in full and the opt out message and number of credits each text of that message used.

Close Sale Enhancements

The close sale report helps users ensure the sale is balanced before they are permitted to close and archive it. The report guides users if critical paperwork has not been produced. Directing them to produce all the seller payments and buyer invoices.

Better Messages

Sometimes there are warnings that don�t provide much information and the user then calls Newline support. We�ve given more detail in this release though double clicking and drilling down on the messages.

Zero Cash

A cash advance for 0 or a cash advance that net to 0, such as -10 & 10 would stop the user from closing the sale. This is ignored now as it has no impact on the balance.

Third Party Cheques

In the event of deleted lots sometimes charges associated with the deleted lots were left over but not required. There is a facility for the user to be able to delete these charges if they are not needed. An audit is kept behind the scenes.

Bank Rec & Bank Control

Added extra control points to prevent users deleting records that have already been counted in bank control reconciliation periods.

Added cancelled BACs & cancelled lodgements to the control account report