Arla 360 Scheme Alterations
Cull Cows:
Arla have introduced new restrictions on the 360 scheme where the scheme only permits their members to sell their cull cows to abattoirs that stun pre slaughter. �The condition within the contract states: �No cow leaving the farm can be slaughtered without prior stunning�.
Calves under 8 weeks of age:
The Arla 360 contract states that �No healthy calf born on the holding to be euthanised, exported or slaughtered within the first eight weeks of life�
The guidance under this standard says �the use of livestock markets and collection centres is prohibited unless the farmer is confident they have the safeguards in place to ensure that this standards will be met (compliance will be audited via CTS)�
The scheme permits calves to be sold through livestock markets; however LAA members will need to give their Arla 360 producer customers the confidence that any calves they present for sale under 8 weeks of age will NOT be slaughtered prior to reaching 8 weeks old.
The LAA suggests that members announce, when Arla 360 contracted calves enter the sale ring, that the vendor�s milk contract does not allow the calves to go for slaughter before they are 8 weeks old and that this is a requirement/condition of their sale.
In addition, the LAA recommends that the purchaser be required to sign a declaration to state that he/she will not present any calves, purchased from such farms, for slaughter before they are more than 8 weeks old.
Lot Entry Options.
There is a new option on the Date Checks Screen below for the user to be able to set the max number of rearing weeks for calves before they can be slaughtered if the seller is on an Arla Milk Contract.
This option is on the below menu in the lot input screens.
If this value is not set then the system will not prompt the user when entering animals in to the sale.
Set this to 8 so now when entering animals into the sale it will prompt if the animal being entered is less than 8 weeks of age.
Pre Entry Screen.
You enter the details into the sale as normal.
Then when the user clicks on Save the system checks to see if there are any animals in the grid less than the number of weeks in the calf schemes field and if there are prompts the user with the below.
If the user enters Yes to the above prompt then the system will update the start of the remarks with the word Arla.
This will then print out on the sale sheets so the auctioneer knows at the point of sale that the animal must not be slaughtered before the required number of weeks.
It will display on the TV Displays if the animals are being sold using salering or sell pre entered lots and they have display remarks selected.
The information will also show on the buyers invoice.
There is also an option in the printer selection to select the required printer for printing the new Arla Declaration.
This will then printout the below declaration for just the calves that have ARLA at the start of the remarks.
There is also a declaration at the bottom.
The Arla calf information will also print out on the sellers cheques.